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"Leading a dying world to Know God, Grow in God, Go for God and Show the Love of God."
KNOW a real relationship with GOD
GROW in a relationship with GOD
GO and tell of the relationship with GOD
SHOW the Love of a relationship with GOD
The vision of Judah is simply put,
We are Worshippers
Walking in the Word &
Witnessing to the World
We have a responsibility to teach people "True Praise" which cause one to:
1. Know God - Intimate Relationship with God
2. Love God - Love Him and Keep His Commandments
3. Give to God - Time, Talent, Treasure
4. Serve God - Working in Ministry
5. Imitate God - Be Like Him
6. Please God - In Your Attitude and Actions
7. Exemplify God - Be a Witness to Others
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